• Family
  • Dental Checkup
  • Dentistry

About Our Clinic

Our goal is to provide exceptionally high quality dentistry in an ultra modern facility. For nearly 40 years we have treated patients from young toddlers to the frail and medically compromised elderly. Dental treatment is carried out in state of the art, relaxing and comfortable surgeries with the the benefits of Nitrous Oxide Gas Sedation available if required or indicated.

Regular visits by families help build a trusting relationship with children and alleviates anxiety and dental fear and phobias. This will create the foundation for a lifetime of good dental and medical health.

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The Team

Dr Peter Ortner and Dr Sharon Kohn have vast experience in dental practice, lecturing, teaching and attending patients in hospitals. Both Drs have taught at the Faculty of Dentistry , University of Sydney as part-time Senior Clinical Tutors.

Dr Sharon has given pre and post-natal talks to groups of  mums ensuring they are armed with the latest correct dental education for their young children.  Sharon has taken long interest in educating and maintaining healthy gums and the mouths of new  mums during pregnancy, especially in those periods of hormone surges at menstruation and puberty in young girls as well as those taking the  oral contraceptive pill and  during declining hormone levels in menopause and during HRT treatment.

Dr Peter has over 30 years of experience in teaching within Faculty of Dentistry in Childrens Dentistry, hospital dentistry and provides high quality cosmetic dentistry for adults.

Our team, including our experienced and friendly relaxing nursing and dental hygiene staff provide the highest quality dental care ranging from the simplest hygiene and preventative procedures to complex cosmetic, implant and reconstructive planning and procedures in an ultra modern, anxiety free environment .